Saturday 3 December 2011

Womens Rights?

A young female Vice Mayor introduced 'The President of the Parliament, 'Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo. Admist a heavily armed and blue clad police force, the new cabinet led the crowd in rousing patriotic singing.  I was squeezed in right beside the militia, an honorary man for the day.

The jovial president congratulated us on our tree planting and introduced us to some very young men and women senators. A true politician, he listed  the government plans for it's new term in office. "A campaign for women's rights is being promoted". I listened to the translation with eagerness, this being an issue close to my heart.

"Ït is not normal to beat a woman" he announced to gales of laughter,

  "The man is too aggressive and women are always kind, A woman is in the home with the children and a man has to protect her and take care of the woman. We can love the woman and everything with come. A man must be involved in women's rights".

My jaw draws open.....Women's Rights.......but not as we know them......


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