Saturday 10 December 2011


It's the carrot harvest in Rubayu region, at least one of them. Bags of carrots, as tall as a man, are being pushed on the back of  bicycles along road edge to the carrot market. The warm, wet climate and fertile, black volcanic soil produce up to four carrot harvests a year.  

Food is abundant, but represents cash for the growers, it's their only source of income. 
Markets set up on random plots of land don't seem to generate much custom, but it's the way produce is sold.  Depending on the region and time of year, inpromptu, single variety, vegetable sellers gather together and race out with their wares to any passing car, shouting and thrusting food in at the window. All shopping Rwandan style takes place like this, haggled, seasonal.  You eat what's on offer.

Tea and Coffee plantations operate more orderly methods, as these crops are for the export market. The workers shelter from the frequent downpours under specially built brick canopies. They get paid a wage, it's a reliable income.

The only vegetable not sold in the markets is "muzumgo" - white man's bean.  I didn't eat any in Rwanda, but then I wouldn't, I don't like runner beans


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