Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 8 Walk for Life

The exquisite physical balance which allows Rwandans to effortlessly carry logs, bags and baskets long distances on their heads, would be the envy of any student of yoga here in the West. In the rush to modernise Rwanda I fear governments and NGOs will ignore the things we can learn from a way of life which is all but extinct in Europe.  It might save the NHS a fortune.

The fashion for Bare Foot Running in the US and in Britain is as a direct result of injuries caused by modern 'sprung' trainers. The 'technique' has been rediscovered in remote parts of Africa. It's not rocket science,  Africans go on foot, because its the best way of getting about difficult terrain, they eat plain, unprocessed food because that's what they have and they run in bare feet, because that's all they have.. and they are the fastest in the world. Our bodies have evolved to give us the optimum tools to live in a world without cars, computers or candy.

Rwanda is an agrarian culture, the people work and live off the land.   Thomas Hardy's Wessex springs to mind, even the mud is reminiscent of Tess of the D'urbervilles.  It's a life of hard physical extremes, for sure, but chronic back, hip or knee pain is practically non existent. Without exception Rwandans look younger than their age, move fluidly and with an effortlessness that is more associated with catwalk than roadside. Their feet mould themselves over the mud, while we bounce and jump in the car giving making our spines sore.

Our 'comfortable' existence is tempered by pain of one sort or another, caused by our poor diet and lifestyles.  Of course not all Rwandans eat well, there is poor education about the nutritional benefits various food bring and there is hunger in some of the less fertile regions.  But the food was, until recently pesticide free, it still is all grown or reared in Rwanda and has very little added to it during the cooking process. The only fat is in unpasteurized milk and a little vegetable oil. I have never felt healthier, my body is in detox.

The obesity epidemic sweeping like a tidal wave through developed countries has left Rwandan untouched. Let's imagine a snapshot of some average Londoners and average Rwandans, which look healthier? No question, the Rwandans. 

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